Source code for storck_client

import requests
import os
import typing
import json
import hashlib
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import typing

[docs]class StorckClient: def __init__( self, api_host: str = "http://localhost:8000", user_token: str = None, workspace_token: str = None, storck_root_dir: str = None, ): """ The main class for creating connection to storck database. :param api_host: The adress of the storck instance :param user_token: the token of the user, if not defined, the environment variable STORCK_USER_TOKEN will be used :param user_token: the token of the workspace, if not defined, the environment variable STORCK_WORKSPACE_TOKEN will be used """ self.api_host = os.getenv("STORCK_API_HOST", default=api_host) self.user_token = user_token or os.getenv("STORCK_USER_TOKEN") self.workspace_token = workspace_token or os.getenv("STORCK_WORKSPACE_TOKEN") srd = storck_root_dir or os.getenv("STORCK_ROOT_DIR") srd_path = Path(storck_root_dir) if storck_root_dir is not None else None self.storck_root_dir = srd_path def _is_authorized(self): if self.user_token is None: raise Exception("You need to provide user token") def _is_workspace_set(self): if self.workspace_token is None: raise Exception("You need to provide workspace token") def _post(self, path, query=None, data=None, files=None, headers=None): content = "{}{}".format(self.api_host, path), data=data, files=files, params=query, headers=headers, verify=False, ) content.raise_for_status() return content.json() def _get(self, path, query=None, headers=None): content = requests.get( "{}{}".format(self.api_host, path), params=query, headers=headers, verify=False, ) content.raise_for_status() return content.json() def _get_raw(self, path, query=None, headers=None): content = requests.get( "{}{}".format(self.api_host, path), params=query, headers=headers, stream=True, ) content.raise_for_status() return
[docs] def auth_verify(self) -> dict: """ Check whether user exists in storck. """ self._is_authorized() return self._post( "/api/auth", headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)} )
[docs] def set_workspace_token(self, workspace_token: str): """ Will override the current workspace_token, and also environment variable """ self.workspace_token = workspace_token os.putenv("STORCK_WORKSPACE_TOKEN", self.workspace_token)
[docs] def create_workspace(self, name: str) -> dict: """ Will create a workspace with given name. """ self._is_authorized() content = self._post( "/api/workspace", data={"name": name}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) return content["data"]
[docs] def get_workspaces(self) -> dict: """ Gets the list of current workspaces :return: dict of workspaces """ self._is_authorized() content = self._get( "/api/workspaces", headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) return content["data"]["workspaces"]
[docs] def search(self, search_dict: typing.Union[str, dict] = None) -> dict: """ Searches for files. If name_contains will be provided, looks for a filename containig gie string. If search_dict is provided, will use it as the JSON encoded string query. .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python #this will return all of the files in the workspace #this will return all files under that path string in their path{'stored_path':'/some/path/or/name/part') #this will return all files containing the partial text of the path string in their path{'stored_path__contains':'/some/path/or/name/part') #this will return a file with id equal to 345{"id":345}) #this will search for the file with the metada value ramp_speed equal to 5{"metadata__ramp_speed":5}) #this will search for the file with the metada value ramp_speed greater or equal to 5{"metadata__ramp_speed__gte":5}) :param search_dict: A stringified JSON containing relevant `django query <>`_ . The contents will be unpacked as python dict and fed to django's `filter() <>`_ method This json will be unpacked to python dict, which will be unpacked as arguments of filter function in django. If you want to query the metada fields you have to name the keys starting with "metadata" with two underscores (se example) and then proceed with the `jsonfield query <>`_ . :return: list of files matching the query """ self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() query = {"token": self.workspace_token} if search_dict is not None: if isinstance(search_dict, dict): search_dict = json.dumps(search_dict) elif not isinstance(search_dict, str): raise TypeError("Search dict should of type str or dict.") query["query_search"] = search_dict # @TODO this option no longer exists content = self._get( "/api/search", query=query, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) return content["files"]
[docs] def check_file(self, filepath: str, fhash: str) -> dict: """ Searches for a file under the filepath, with specific fhash. :param filepath: A storck filepath :param fhash: A file hash :return: list of files matching the query """ squery = {"hash": fhash, "stored_path": filepath} return
[docs] def get_info(self, file_id: int = None, path: str = None) -> dict: """ Gets detailed information about the file. :param file_id: id of the file. :param path: database path of the file """ self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() content = self._get( "/api/info", query={"path": path, "id": file_id, "token": self.workspace_token,}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) return content["file"]
[docs] def send_file_content(self, filename, path, data, query): return self._post( "/api/file", data=data, query=query, files={"file": open(filename, "rb")}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, )
[docs] def upload_file( self, filename: str, path: str = None, metadata: str = None, file_hash: str = None, local_transfer=False, ) -> dict: """ Uploads the file to storck. :param filename: Path to the file on the client side. :param path: Optional database path to be used in storck. If not provided filename will be used instead. :param metadata_str: a metadata json string """ self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() query = {"token": self.workspace_token} if file_hash: query["hash"] = file_hash data = {"path": path or filename} if metadata is not None: if isinstance(metadata, dict): metadata_str = json.dumps(metadata) elif isinstance(metadata, str): metadata_str = metadata else: raise ValueError("metadata should be string or dict") data["metadata"] = metadata_str if local_transfer: data["local"] = True data["local_path"] = str(filename) return self._post( path="/api/file", query={"token": self.workspace_token}, data=data, headers={"Authorization": "Token " + self.user_token}, ) else: return self.send_file_content(filename, path, data, query)
[docs] def get_file_content(self, file_id: int) -> bytes: """ Gets the content of the file. :param file_id: Id of the file to downloaded. """ self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() return self._get_raw( "/api/file", query={"id": file_id, "token": self.workspace_token}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, )
[docs] def download_file( self, file_id: int, target_path: typing.Union[str, Path], local_transfer=False ): """ Downloads the file to the target_path. :param file_id: the unique file id in storck :param target_path: the full path to where to solve the file, including the filename e.q. "/final/target/file.txt" :param local_transfer: whether to use the local transfer (if the file is accesible by "cp" command), or to use the http request """ if not isinstance(target_path, Path): if isinstance(target_path, str): target_path = Path(target_path) else: raise ValueError self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() if local_transfer: content = self._get( "/api/file", query={"id": file_id, "token": self.workspace_token,}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) filepath = content["file"] shutil.copy(self.storck_root_dir / filepath, target_path) else: file_content = self.get_file_content(file_id) with open(target_path, "wb") as f: f.write(file_content)
[docs] def add_user_to_workspace(self, user_id: int): """ Adds users to workspace. :param user_id: the id of the user to be added to the workspace. """ self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() content = self._post( "/api/workspace/user", data={"user_id": user_id, "token": self.workspace_token}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, verify=False, ) return content["data"]
[docs] def add_or_modify_metadata_schema( self, filetype: str, schema: typing.Union[dict, str] ): self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() if isinstance(schema, dict): schema_str = json.dumps(schema) elif isinstance(schema, str): schema_str = schema else: raise ValueError( "invalid argument type, schema needs to be either dict or string" ) print() print(self.workspace_token) print() result = self._post( "/api/metaschema", query={"token": self.workspace_token}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, data={"metadata_schema": schema_str, "filetype": filetype}, ) return result
[docs] def list_metadata_schema(self): self._is_authorized() self._is_workspace_set() result = self._get( "/api/getschema", query={"token": self.workspace_token}, headers={"Authorization": "Token {}".format(self.user_token)}, ) return result
[docs]def md5sum_hash(fpath): file_hash = hashlib.md5() with open(fpath, "rb") as f: chunk = while chunk: file_hash.update(chunk) chunk = md5 = file_hash.hexdigest() return md5